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J. bras. nefrol ; 46(2): e20230043, Apr.-June 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550487


Abstract Introduction: Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide worldwide and in Brazil. There is currently increasing concern about the effects of glyphosate on human health. The Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection showed data on the presence of glyphosate in some of Brazil's most consumed ultra-processed products. Currently, regulations on the upper limit for these residues in ultra-processed foods have yet to be established by the National Health Surveillance, and ultra-processed food consumption is independently associated with an increased risk of incident chronic kidney disease. Methods: Since an unbalanced diet can interfere with kidney function, this study aims to investigate the effect of daily intake of 5 mg/kg bw glyphosate in conjunction with a balanced diet and the possible impact on renal function in rats. Kidney function, kidney weight, markers of renal injury, and oxidative stress were evaluated. Results: There was a decrease in kidney weight. The main histopathological alterations in renal tissues were vacuolation in the initial stage and upregulation of the kidney injury marker KIM-1. Renal injury is associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species in mitochondria. Conclusion: This study showed changes in the kidney of rats exposed to a balanced diet with glyphosate, suggesting a potential risk to human kidney. Presumably, ultra-processed food that contain glyphosate can potentiate this risk. The relevance of these results lies in drawing attention to the need to regulate glyphosate concentration in ultra-processed foods in the future.

RESUMO Introdução: O glifosato é o herbicida mais utilizado no mundo e no Brasil. Atualmente, há uma preocupação crescente com os efeitos do glifosato na saúde humana. O Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor apresentou dados sobre a presença de glifosato em alguns dos produtos ultraprocessados mais consumidos no Brasil. Atualmente, as regulamentações sobre o limite máximo desses resíduos em alimentos ultraprocessados ainda não foram estabelecidas pela Vigilância Sanitária Nacional, e o consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados está indepen­dentemente associado a um risco maior de doença renal crônica incidente. Métodos: Como uma dieta desbalanceada pode interferir na função renal, este estudo tem como objetivo investigar o efeito da ingestão diária de 5 mg/kg pc de glifosato em conjunto com uma dieta equilibrada e o possível impacto na função renal em ratos. Foram avaliados função renal, peso dos rins, marcadores de lesão renal e estresse oxidativo. Resultados: Houve redução no peso dos rins. As principais alterações histopatológicas nos tecidos renais foram vacuolização no estágio inicial e regulação positiva do marcador de lesão renal KIM-1. A lesão renal está associada à produção aumentada de espécies reativas de oxigênio nas mitocôndrias. Conclusão: Esse estudo mostrou alterações nos rins de ratos expostos a uma dieta balanceada com glifosato, sugerindo um risco potencial ao rim humano. Presumivelmente, alimentos ultraprocessados que contenham glifosato podem potencializar esse risco. A relevância desses resultados está no fato de chamar a atenção para a necessidade de regulamentar a concentração de glifosato em alimentos ultraprocessados no futuro.

Clín. investig. arterioscler. (Ed. impr.) ; 36(2): 60-70, mar.-abr. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231494


Background Combined oral contraceptives (COCs), use in individuals are associated with increased risk of thrombotic events. This highlights the significance of assessing the impact of COC on promoting coagulation and endothelial activation in high-fat diet (HFD)-fed Sprague Dawley rats. Methods Twenty (20) five-weeks-old female Sprague Dawley rats weighing between 150 and 200g were subjected to both LFD and HFD-feeding for 8-weeks to determine its influence on basic metabolic status, hemostatic profile, hemodynamic parameters (blood pressure and heart rate), as well as selected biomarkers of coagulation (tissue factor and D-dimer) and endothelial activation (Von Willebrand factor and nitric oxide). Thereafter HFD-fed animals were treated with receive high dose combined oral contraceptive (HCOC) and low dose combine oral contraceptive (LCOC) for 6 weeks. Results Our results showed that beyond weight gain, HFD-feeding was associated with hyperglycemia, increased mean arterial pressure, and reduced nitric oxide levels when compared with LFD group (p<0.05). Interestingly, treatment with high dose of COC for 6-weeks did not significantly alter atherothrombotic markers (p>0.05). However, this study is not without limitation as regulation of these markers remains to be confirmed within the cardiac tissues or endothelial cells of these animals. Conclusion HFD-feeding orchestrate the concomitant release of pro-coagulants and endothelial activation markers in rats leading to haemostatic imbalance and endothelial dysfunction. Short-term treatment with COC shows no detrimental effects in these HFD-fed rats. Although in terms of clinical relevance, our findings depict the notion that the risk of CVD in association with COC may depend on the dosage and duration of use among other factors especially in certain conditions. ... (AU)

Antecedentes El uso de anticonceptivos orales combinados (AOC) en individuos se asocia con un mayor riesgo de eventos trombóticos. Esto resalta la importancia de evaluar el impacto de los AOC en la promoción de la coagulación y la activación endotelial en ratas Sprague Dawley alimentadas con una dieta alta en grasas (HFD). Métodos Veinte (20) ratas Sprague Dawley hembra de 5semanas de edad con un peso entre 150-200g fueron tratadas mediante una alimentación con dieta baja en grasas (LFD) y alta en grasas (HFD) durante 8 semanas para determinar su influencia en el estado metabólico básico, perfil hemostático, parámetros hemodinámicos (presión arterial y frecuencia cardíaca), así como biomarcadores seleccionados de coagulación (factor tisular y D-dímero) y activación endotelial (factor de von Willebrand y óxido nítrico). Posteriormente, los animales alimentados con HFD fueron tratados con dosis alta de anticonceptivo oral combinado (AOC-AL) y dosis baja de anticonceptivo oral combinado (AOC-BL) durante 6 semanas. Resultados Nuestros resultados mostraron que, además del aumento de peso, la alimentación con HFD se asoció con hiperglucemia, aumento de la presión arterial media y niveles reducidos de óxido nítrico en comparación con el grupo LFD (p<0,05). Curiosamente, el tratamiento con dosis alta de AOC durante 6 semanas no alteró significativamente los marcadores aterotrombóticos (p>0,05). Sin embargo, este estudio no está exento de limitaciones, ya que la regulación de estos marcadores aún debe confirmarse en los tejidos cardíacos o las células endoteliales de estos animales. Conclusión La alimentación con HFD orquesta la liberación concomitante de procoagulantes y marcadores de activación endotelial en ratas, lo que conduce a un desequilibrio hemostático y disfunción endotelial. El tratamiento a corto plazo con AOC no muestra efectos perjudiciales en estas ratas alimentadas con HFD. ... (AU)

Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Anticoncepcionais Orais Combinados/efeitos adversos , Coagulação Sanguínea/efeitos dos fármacos , Fatores de Coagulação Sanguínea , Gorduras na Dieta/efeitos adversos , Dieta Hiperlipídica/efeitos adversos , Fatores de Crescimento Endotelial , Obesidade , Doenças Cardiovasculares
Rev. esp. med. nucl. imagen mol. (Ed. impr.) ; 43(2): 107-112, Mar-Abr. 2024. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231820


Introducción y objetivos: El tratamiento con yodo radiactivo (RAIT) se recomienda para reducir el riesgo de recurrencia y de metástasis en personas con cáncer diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) de riesgo intermedio-alto. En la preparación para la RAIT, la estimulación de la tirotropina y la reducción en la reserva corporal de yodo son elementos importantes para contribuir al éxito de la terapia. Para ello, se pide a los pacientes que reduzcan la ingesta de este mineral antes de la RAIT, y puede evaluarse su reserva corporal midiendo su excreción por la orina (yoduria) antes del tratamiento. El objetivo de nuestro estudio ha sido comparar los métodos utilizados para medir la reserva de yodo corporal en la evaluación de la eficacia de la dieta con bajo contenido en yodo (RID) aplicada a la preparación del paciente para la RAIT. Pacientes y métodos: Suspendieron la levotiroxina tres semanas antes de la RAIT y fueron controlados con una RID durante las dos semanas previas a la realización del tratamiento 80 pacientes con CDT. Tras dos semanas de RID, en todos se llevó a cabo una recolección de orina de 24h el día previo a la fecha de administración de la RAIT. Los sujetos finalizaron dicha recolección en la mañana de la fecha de RAIT y suministraron una muestra puntual de orina. Se calculó la excreción estimada de creatinina en orina de 24 horas de los pacientes. La estimación de la excreción urinaria de yodo o yoduria (UIE) de 24 horas oras se determinó a partir del índice yodo/creatinina (I/C) obtenido en la muestra de orina puntual de los individuos. Se compararon los resultados de la yoduria de 24 horas, la concentración de yodo en la muestra puntual de orina, el cociente I/C en la muestra puntual de orina y la estimación de la yoduria de 24 horas en los pacientes. Resultados: En 99%, la eficacia de la RID fue suficiente según la yoduria de 24 horas obtenida previamente a la RAIT...(AU)

Introduction and Objectives: Radioactive iodine therapy (RAIT) is recommended to reduce the risk of recurrence and metastasis in patients with intermediate-high risk differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). In preparation for RAIT, stimulation of thyroid-stimulating hormone and reduction of body iodine pool are important for treatment success. For this purpose, patients are asked to reduce their iodine intake before RAIT, and the body iodine pool can be evaluated by measuring iodine excretion in urine before treatment. The aim of our study is to compare the methods used to measure the body iodine pool in the evaluation of the restricted iodine diet (RID) effectiveness applied in the RAIT preparation. Patients and methods: Eighty DTC patients discontinued levothyroxine three weeks before RAIT and followed up with a RID two weeks before treatment. After two weeks of RID, all patients collected their 24-hour urine the day before the RAIT date. Patients completed 24-hour urine samples on the morning of the RAIT date and also provided a spot urine sample. The estimated 24-hour creatinine excretion of the patients was calculated. Estimated 24-hour urinary iodine excretion (UIE) was calculated using the spot urine iodine/creatinine (I/C) ratio of the patients. 24-hour UIE, iodine concentration in spot urine, I/C ratios in spot urine and estimated 24-hour UIE of the patients were analyzed by comparing with each other. Results: In 99% of the patients, RID efficiency was sufficient according to 24-hour UIE before RAIT. The mean 24-hour UIE was 48.81 micrograms/day (mcg/day) in 24-hour urine samples taken from the patients to evaluate the body iodine pool. The patients’ iodine concentrations in spot urine, I/C ratios in spot urine, and estimated 24-hour UIE were all statistically significantly lower than actual 24-hour UIE, which was the reference method (p: 0.026 vs <0.001 vs 0.041)..... (AU)

Humanos , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide , Dieta , Iodo , Creatinina , Metástase Neoplásica , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia , Urinálise
Actas dermo-sifiliogr. (Ed. impr.) ; 115(4): 374-386, Abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231995


Se han popularizado diversas dietas para perder peso, incrementar la capacidad física y para el manejo de múltiples enfermedades crónicas: cardiovasculares, neurológicas o cutáneas. Destacan la dieta cetogénica y el ayuno intermitente, con resultados prometedores en la medicina tradicional y deportiva. Además, la dieta mediterránea se ha consolidado como una forma de alimentación de impacto positivo muy significativo en la salud. Otras dietas populares son la dieta «paleo», la dieta vegana y la libre de gluten. La dieta cetogénica, el ayuno intermitente y la dieta mediterránea aportan resultados favorables en dermatosis inflamatorias como la psoriasis, dermatitis atópica, hidradenitis supurativa o acné. La dieta mediterránea podría actuar también como factor protector para el desarrollo de algunas neoplasias cutáneas. En este artículo presentamos una revisión del papel de diversas dietas populares en el manejo de dermatosis. (AU)

Numerous diets for losing weight, building strength, and managing a range of cardiovascular, neurologic, and skin diseases have become popular in recent years. The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting in particular have shown promising results in clinical and sports medicine. The Mediterranean diet, in turn, is widely recognized for its numerous health benefits. Also popular are the paleo diet and vegan and gluten-free diets. Positive effects on inflammatory conditions, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and acne, have been observed in patients who practice intermittent fasting or follow ketogenic or Mediterranean diets. This last choice may also protect against certain skin cancers. We review the role of several popular diets in the management of skin disorders. (AU)

Humanos , Dieta Cetogênica , Jejum , Dieta Vegana , Dieta Mediterrânea , Dieta Livre de Glúten , Dermatologia
Actas dermo-sifiliogr. (Ed. impr.) ; 115(4): t374-t386, Abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231996


Numerous diets for losing weight, building strength, and managing a range of cardiovascular, neurologic, and skin diseases have become popular in recent years. The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting in particular have shown promising results in clinical and sports medicine. The Mediterranean diet, in turn, is widely recognized for its numerous health benefits. Also popular are the paleo diet and vegan and gluten-free diets. Positive effects on inflammatory conditions, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and acne, have been observed in patients who practice intermittent fasting or follow ketogenic or Mediterranean diets. This last choice may also protect against certain skin cancers. We review the role of several popular diets in the management of skin disorders. (AU)

Se han popularizado diversas dietas para perder peso, incrementar la capacidad física y para el manejo de múltiples enfermedades crónicas: cardiovasculares, neurológicas o cutáneas. Destacan la dieta cetogénica y el ayuno intermitente, con resultados prometedores en la medicina tradicional y deportiva. Además, la dieta mediterránea se ha consolidado como una forma de alimentación de impacto positivo muy significativo en la salud. Otras dietas populares son la dieta «paleo», la dieta vegana y la libre de gluten. La dieta cetogénica, el ayuno intermitente y la dieta mediterránea aportan resultados favorables en dermatosis inflamatorias como la psoriasis, dermatitis atópica, hidradenitis supurativa o acné. La dieta mediterránea podría actuar también como factor protector para el desarrollo de algunas neoplasias cutáneas. En este artículo presentamos una revisión del papel de diversas dietas populares en el manejo de dermatosis. (AU)

Humanos , Dieta Cetogênica , Jejum , Dieta Vegana , Dieta Mediterrânea , Dieta Livre de Glúten , Dermatologia
Med. clín (Ed. impr.) ; 162(7): 321-327, abril 2024. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-232079


Introduction and objectives: The prevalence of gestational diabetes is increasing, and the Mediterranean diet is highly recommended for health. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).Materials and methodsIn this cross-sectional study the presence of GDM is the dependent variable, and socio-demographic and anthropometric characteristics and adherence to the Mediterranean diet are the independent variables in this study, which was carried out in pregnant women who were 24–28 weeks pregnant and had Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was evaluated with the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Scale (MEDAS). Data were collected through face-to-face interviews, weight and height measurements of the pregnant women were made, and the diagnosis of GDM was made with OGTT.ResultsTwo hundred and seven pregnant women participated in the study and 85 of them (41.1%) were diagnosed as GDM. According to Logistic Regression models, age (OR: 1.088, 95% CI: 1.031–1.149) and infertility treatment (OR: 4.570, 95% CI: 1.443–14.474) significantly increased the occurrence of GDM, while adherence to the Mediterranean diet (OR: 0.683, 95% CI: 0.568–0.820) significantly reduced the risk.ConclusionsNearly two-fifths of pregnant women were diagnosed with GDM while only one-fourth complied with a Mediterranean diet. The increase in the frequency of GDM should be carefully monitored. It may be useful to detect risky pregnant women at the time of the first diagnosis, to measure their glucose levels, and to give suggestions about the Mediterranean diet in the early period. (AU)

Introducción y objetivos: La prevalencia de diabetes gestacional está aumentando y la dieta mediterránea es muy recomendable para la salud. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la relación entre la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea y la diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG).Materiales y métodosEn este estudio transversal la presencia de DMG es la variable dependiente, y las características sociodemográficas y antropométricas y la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea son las variables independientes de este estudio, que se llevó a cabo en mujeres embarazadas de 24-28semanas de gestación a las que se les realizó el Test de Tolerancia Oral a la Glucosa (TTOG). La adherencia a la dieta mediterránea se evaluó con la Escala de Adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea (Mediterranean Diet Adherence Scale [MEDAS]). Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas cara a cara, se midió el peso y la talla de las embarazadas y se diagnosticó la DMG con el TTOG.ResultadosUn total de 207 embarazadas participaron en el estudio, y 85 de ellas (41,1%) fueron diagnosticadas de DMG. Según los modelos de regresión logística, la edad (OR: 1,088; IC95%: 1,031-1,149) y el tratamiento de la infertilidad (OR: 4,570; IC95%: 1,443-14,474) aumentaron significativamente la aparición de DMG, mientras que la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (OR: 0,683; IC95%: 0,568-0,820) redujo significativamente el riesgo.ConclusionesCasi dos quintas partes de las embarazadas fueron diagnosticadas de DMG, mientras que solo una cuarta parte cumplían con la dieta mediterránea. Debe vigilarse atentamente el aumento de la frecuencia de la DMG. Puede ser útil detectar a las embarazadas de riesgo en el momento del primer diagnóstico, medir sus niveles de glucosa y dar sugerencias sobre la dieta mediterránea en el periodo inicial. (AU)

Humanos , Glucose , Diabetes Gestacional/diagnóstico , Diabetes Gestacional/epidemiologia , Dieta , Gravidez , Teste de Tolerância a Glucose
Rev. Psicol., Divers. Saúde ; 13(1)abr. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551269


INTRODUÇÃO: A percepção e satisfação corporal têm sido amplamente estudadas em diversos públicos, principalmente em estudantes universitários; porém, existem poucas investigações com vegetarianos, sendo assim, torna-se necessário avaliar se o padrão alimentar vegetariano está relacionado com os fenômenos inerentes à imagem corporal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a percepção e a satisfação corporal entre estudantes universitários vegetarianos. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 123 participantes, no qual foram aplicados o Questionário de Imagem Corporal - BSQ (Body Shape Questionnaire) e a Escala de Silhuetas de Stunkard. RESULTADOS: Os dados mostraram que 86,2% dos participantes eram eutróficos (IMC=22,4±3,3), sendo o score obtido no BSQ foi de 84,6 pontos (±36,0) correspondente à leve insatisfação com a imagem corporal. Cerca de 82,1% dos estudantes se mostravam insatisfeitos com a silhueta, dentre estes, 61,4% desejavam diminuí-la. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão alimentar (ovolactovegetariano, lactovegetariano, vegetariano estrito e vegano) não se relacionou com a insatisfação corporal, mas sim o desejo de ter silhuetas magras que são valorizadas pelo padrão de beleza vigente.

INTRODUCTION: For Body perception and satisfaction have been widely studied among different publics, especially among college students; however, there are few investigations with vegetarians. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate whether the vegetarian eating pattern is related to the phenomena inherent to body image. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate body perception and body satisfaction among vegetarian college students. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study with 123 participants, in which the Body Image Questionnaire (BSQ) and the Stunkard Silhouette Scale were applied. RESULTS: The data showed that 86.2% of the participants were eutrophic (BMI=22.4±3.3), and the score obtained in the BSQ was 84.6 points (±36.0) corresponding to a mild dissatisfaction with body image. About 82.1% of the students were dissatisfied with their silhouette, and 61.4% of them wanted to reduce it. CONCLUSION: Dietary patterns (ovolactovegetarian, lactovegetarian, strict vegetarian, and vegan) were not related to body dissatisfaction, but rather the desire to have thin silhouettes that are valued by the prevailing beauty standard.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La percepción y satisfacción corporal han sido ampliamente estudiadas entre diferentes públicos, especialmente entre estudiantes universitarios; sin embargo, existen pocos estudios sobre vegetarianos, por lo que es necesario evaluar si el patrón alimentario vegetariano está relacionado con los fenómenos inherentes a la imagen corporal. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la percepción corporal y la satisfacción corporal entre estudiantes universitarios vegetarianos. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio transversal con 123 participantes, en el que se aplicaron el Cuestionario de Imagen Corporal - BSQ (Body Shape Questionnaire) y la Escala de Siluetas de Stunkard. RESULTADOS: Los datos mostraron que el 86,2% de los participantes eran eutróficos (IMC=22,4±3,3), y la puntuación obtenida en el BSQ fue de 84,6 puntos (±36,0) correspondiente a una insatisfacción leve con la imagen corporal. Alrededor del 82,1% de los estudiantes estaban insatisfechos con su silueta, entre ellos, el 61,4% deseaba reducirla. CONCLUSIÓN: El patrón alimentario (ovolactovegetariano, lactovegetariano, vegetariano estricto y vegano) no estaba relacionado con la insatisfacción corporal, sino con el deseo de tener siluetas delgadas que son valoradas por el estándar de belleza vigente.

Imagem Corporal , Estudantes , Vegetarianos
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38584064


AIM: Epidemiological evidence suggests adherence to vegetable-rich diets is associated to atheroprotective effects and bioactive components are most likely to play a relevant role. The notion of inter-kingdom regulation has opened a new research paradigm and perhaps microRNAs (miRNAs) from edible vegetables could influence consumer gene expression and lead to biological effects. We aimed to investigate the potential impact of broccoli-derived miRNAs on cellular cholesterol efflux in vitro. METHODS: Four miRNAs (miR159a, miR159b, miR166a and miR403) from Brassica oleracea var. italica (broccoli), a widely consumed cruciferous vegetable, were selected for further investigation, based on their high abundancy in this vegetable and their presence in other plants. Selected miRNAs were synthesized with a 3'-terminal 2'-O-methylation and their cellular toxicity, in vitro gastrointestinal resistance and cellular uptake were evaluated. Potential target genes within the mammalian transcriptome were assessed in silico following pathway analysis. In vitro cholesterol efflux was assessed in human THP-1-derived macrophages. RESULTS: miRNAs survival to in vitro GI digestion was around 1%, although some variation was seen between the four candidates. Cellular uptake by mammalian cells was confirmed, and an increase in cholesterol efflux was observed. Pathway analysis suggested these miRNAs are involved in biological processes related to phosphorylation, phosphatidylinositol and Wnt signaling, and to the insulin/IGF pathway. CONCLUSIONS: Health-promoting properties attributed to cruciferous vegetables, might be mediated (at least in part) through miRNA-related mechanisms.

Nutrients ; 16(5)2024 Feb 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38474703


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) disproportionately affects minorities in the United States, including the Hispanic/Latine population, and is a public health concern in Latin American countries. An emphasis on healthy dietary patterns, including the Mediterranean and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diets, has been suggested as they are associated with a lower incidence of CKD, slower CKD progression, and lower mortality in kidney failure. However, their applicability may be limited in people from Latin America. The Dieta de la Milpa (Diet of the Cornfield) was recently described as the dietary pattern of choice for people from Mesoamerica (Central Mexico and Central America). This dietary pattern highlights the intake of four plant-based staple foods from this geographical region, corn/maize, common beans, pumpkins/squashes, and chilies, complemented with seasonal and local intake of plant-based foods and a lower intake of animal-based foods, collectively classified into ten food groups. Limited preclinical and clinical studies suggest several health benefits, including cardiometabolic health, but there is currently no data concerning CKD. In this narrative review, we describe and highlight the potential benefits of the Dieta de la Milpa in CKD, including acid-base balance, protein source, potassium and phosphorus management, impact on the gut microbiota, inflammation, and cultural appropriateness. Despite these potential benefits, this dietary pattern has not been tested in people with CKD. Therefore, we suggest key research questions targeting measurement of adherence, feasibility, and effectiveness of the Dieta de la Milpa in people with CKD.

Abordagens Dietéticas para Conter a Hipertensão , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Humanos , 60408 , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/complicações , Dieta , Hispânico ou Latino
Med. clín (Ed. impr.) ; 162(6): 259-264, Mar. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231697


Background and aims: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a chronic proinflammatory and prothrombotic condition that exacerbates insulin resistance, oxidative damage, and cardiovascular risk, being more prevalent in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a chronic multisystemic autoimmune disorder. This study aim was to determine the prevalence of MetS and associations with SLE clinical characteristics, cardiovascular risk and dietary pattern in a population of Spanish SLE patients. Design and methods: Cross-sectional study of 293 patients was conducted (90.4% females; mean age 46.8 (12.94)). The diagnosis of MetS was established based on the criteria of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI-2K) and SDI Damage Index were used to assess disease activity and disease-related damage, respectively. Med Diet adherence was assessed through a 14 items questionnaire on food consumption frequency and habits. Results: MetS was present in 15% SLE patients. Triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, systolic blood pressure and waist circumference were significantly increased (p<0.001) in the group of MetS patients. Patients with MetS showed significantly increased SDI damage index (1.70 (1.69) vs 0.88 (1.12), p<0.001) and complement C3 level (118.70 (32.67) vs 107.55 (26.82), p=0.011). No significant differences were observed according to Med Diet adherence level. Conclusion: We observed a lower prevalence of MetS in SLE than that reported in previous studies, which may be a result of the good level of adherence to the MedDiet in our study sample. Additionally, MetS was associated with higher SDI and complement C3 levels but no with medication use.(AU)

Antecedentes y objetivos: El síndrome metabólico (SM) es una condición crónica proinflamatoria y protrombótica que exacerba resistencia a insulina, daño oxidativo y riesgo cardiovascular, más prevalente en pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) y trastorno autoinmune multisistémico crónico. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de SM y asociación con características clínicas del LES, riesgo cardiovascular y patrón dietético en pacientes españoles con LES. Diseño y métodos: Estudio transversal, 293 pacientes (90,4% mujeres; edad media 46,85 [12,94]). Diagnóstico de SM según criterios National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. Se utilizó el Índice de Actividad de la Enfermedad del LES (SLEDAI-2K) e Índice de Daño del LES para evaluar actividad de la enfermedad y el daño relacionado con la enfermedad. Adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (DM) se evaluó mediante un cuestionario de 14 ítems sobre frecuencia y hábitos de consumo de alimentos. Resultados: El 15% de los pacientes con LES presentaron SM. Encontramos triglicéridos, colesterol de lipoproteínas de alta densidad, presión arterial sistólica y perímetro cintura significativamente elevados (p<0,001) en pacientes con SM. Pacientes con SM mostraron índice de daño SDI (1,70 [1,69] vs. 0,88 [1,12]; p<0,001) y nivel de complemento C3 (118,70 [32,67] vs. 107,55 [26,82]; p=0,011) significativamente elevados. No diferencias significativas según el nivel de adherencia a la DM. Conclusiones: Observamos menor prevalencia de SM en pacientes con LES que la descrita en estudios previos, podría deberse a la buena adherencia a la DM en nuestra muestra. El SM se asoció con mayores niveles de SDI y complemento C3, no con el uso de medicación.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Síndrome Metabólica , Dieta Mediterrânea , Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Medicina Clínica , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 98: e202403027, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-231914


Fundamentos: actualmente, la esterilidad afecta a entre el 15% y 20% de las parejas en edad fértil. El éxito reproductivo feme-nino está determinado fundamentalmente por la edad y la reserva ovárica (ro). Recientes estudios remarcan la influencia de factores modificables como los hábitos dietéticos y el estado nutricional en la ro. A este respecto, la dieta mediterránea (dm) se postula como un estándar de alimentación saludable. Por ende, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la influencia de la adherencia a la dm y el estado nutricional en la ro de mujeres estériles. Métodos: se efectuó un estudio descriptivo transversal, de un año de duración, entre los meses de febrero de 2022 y febrero de 2023, en una muestra de cuarenta y cinco pacientes de sexo femenino que acudieron a la consulta de ginecología-esterilidad en el hospital marina salud de denia (españa) por deseo genésico mayor a un año. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de carácter exploratorio basado en una estadística univariable. Resultados: el estudio incluyó una muestra total de cuarenta y cinco mujeres (n=45) siendo la media de edad de 31,84 (±3,99) años, siendo el imc medio de 26,27 (±6,08) kg/m2, teniendo el 44,4% (n=20) un imc por encima de los valores normales. En cuanto a la ro, se midió en base a la amh, siendo el valor promedio de 2,32 (±1,59) ng/ml, y al rfa, siendo la media de 19,80 (±14,13) folículos antrales. Se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la baja adherencia a la dm y menores niveles de hormona antimülleriana (amh; p=0,025). Además, se determinó una asociación entre el bajo consumo de verduras y hortalizas (p=0,044), el excesivo consumo de carne roja (p=0,027) y de bebidas carbonatadas (p=0,015) con insuficientes niveles de amh, indicativos de baja ro...(AU)

Background: currently, esterility affects between 15% and 20% of couples of fertile age. Female reproductive success is mainly determined by age and ovarian reserve (or). Recent studies highlight the influence of modifiable factors such as dietary habits and nutritional status on or. In this regard, the mediterranean diet (md) is postulated as a standard of healthy eating. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to analyze the influence of adherence to dm and nutritional status on the or of infertile women.methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, lasting one year, between february 2022 and february 2023, in a sample of forty-five female patients who attended the gynaecology-esterility consultation at the marina salud hospital in denia (spain) due to genital desire older than one year. An exploratory descriptive analysis based on univariate statistics was performed.results: the mean age of the sample (n=45) was 31.84 (±3.99) years, with an average bmi of 26.27 (±6.08) kg/m2, with 44.4% (n=20) having excess body weight. The ro was measured based on amh, with an average value of 2.32 (±1.59) ng/ml and rfa, with an average of 19.80 (±14.13) antral follicles. A statistically significant association was found between low adherence to dm and lower an-ti-müllerian hormone (amh; p=0.025) levels. In addition, an association was found between low consumption of vegetables (p=0.044), excessive consumption of red meat (p=0.027) and carbonated beverages (p=0.015) with insufficient amh levels, indicative of low or. Low fruit consumption was also found to be associated with low oestradiol levels (p=0.045). Statistically significant associations were also found reflecting the influence of nutritional status on or.conclusions: one of the main factors conditioning the success of art (assisted reproductive technology) is the woman’s or. The most widely used parameter to assess or is amh. Lifestyle and diet are modifiable factors that can influence or...(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Dieta Mediterrânea , Reserva Ovariana , Estado Nutricional , Infertilidade Feminina , Saúde Reprodutiva , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Saúde Pública
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 86-95, Ene-Feb, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230888


Antecedentes: un estilo de alimentación saludable, específicamente la dieta mediterránea (DMed), es un factor asociado a bajo riesgo, menorprevalencia y mejor manejo de las enfermedades crónicas. Sin embargo, existe información limitada respecto a cómo los pacientes incorporanpropuestas de este patrón alimentario en su vida cotidiana.Objetivo: identificar factores y condiciones que pueden influir en la adherencia a la DMed en Chile.Métodos: estudio cualitativo exploratorio en 17 pacientes de ambos sexos de entre 35 y 65 años que presentaban algún criterio diagnósticode síndrome metabólico (SMet). Mediante entrevistas en profundidad y grupos focales se indagaron el conocimiento, la valoración, las actitudesy las prácticas asociadas a cambios y mantenimiento de alimentación con énfasis en la DMed. El análisis de la información se realizó bajo elenfoque de teoría fundada usando el softwar e ATLAS.ti.Resultados: los participantes reconocieron el valor de una alimentación saludable tipo DMed, pero declararon bajo conocimiento (identificaciónde algunos alimentos aislados) de ella, junto con facilitadores (variedad de ingredientes) y limitantes (sabor, disponibilidad/costo de algunosalimentos) para su adopción rutinaria. Además, el cambio de hábitos alimentarios genera alta carga cognitiva y emocional inicial que requiereesfuerzo no solo individual sino también relacional, pues implica modificaciones de prácticas familiares y colectivas.Conclusiones: la información obtenida sobre barreras y oportunidades para adherir a una alimentación saludable como la DMed resulta clavepara diseñar e implementar intervenciones nutricionales basadas en este patrón alimentario y que puedan ser sostenibles en el tiempo para elenfrentamiento de las enfermedades crónicas en Chile.(AU)

Background: a healthy food intake pattern, specifically the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), is a factor associated with reduced risk, lowerprevalence, and better management of chronic diseases. However, there is limited information regarding how patients integrate proposals foradherence to this food pattern in their daily lives.Objective: to identify factors and conditions that influence adherence to the MedDiet in Chile.Methods: an exploratory qualitative study was applied in 35 to 65-year-old patients of both sexes who presented at least one diagnostic criterionof metabolic syndrome (MetS). Through in-depth interviews and focal groups, knowledge, assessment, attitudes, and practices associated withchanges and maintenance of healthy eating habits, with emphasis on the MedDiet, were investigated. Information analysis was carried out underthe grounded theory approach using the ATLAS.ti software.Results: participants recognized the value of healthy eating, including the MedDiet, but declared low knowledge (identification of single foodsitems) together with facilitators (variety of ingredients) and limiting factors (taste, availability/cost of some items, family dynamics) for its routineadoption. In addition, change in eating habits generates a high initial cognitive and emotional load that requires not only individual but alsorelational effort as it implies modifications of family and collective practices.Conclusions: information obtained on barriers and opportunities to adhere to healthy eating such as the MedDiet is key to design and implementnutritional interventions based on this food pattern and that can be sustainable in time for chronic disease management in Chile.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Dieta Mediterrânea , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Síndrome Metabólica , Dieta Saudável , Doença Crônica/terapia , Ciências da Nutrição , Chile , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Inquéritos e Questionários , Grupos Focais
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 175-185, Ene-Feb, 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230897


Introducción: la epidemiología nutricional busca comprender la relación entre el consumo de alimentos y la ocurrencia de enfermedades.Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, el Estudio Longitudinal de Salud del Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) utilizó un Cuestionario de Frecuencia de Alimentos(CFA) reducido para comparar la calidad de la dieta en diferentes etapas de la cohorte.Objetivo: desarrollar y validar un índice creado a partir de un score (o puntuación) de calidad alimentaria (SCA) utilizando el CFA del ELSA-Brasil.Métodos: estudio transversal realizado entre agosto de 2020 y marzo de 2021 con 4262 participantes. Para cada categoría de frecuencia deconsumo de alimentos indicadores de alimentación saludable y no saludable, se otorgó una puntuación. La validez y la fiabilidad se estimaronmediante el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, el análisis de componentes principales (ACP) y la alfa de Cronbach. Se realizaron pruebaspara verificar las diferencias entre las características individuales y la SCA.Resultados: el ACP indicó una variabilidad total del 42,5 %. Las mujeres y los individuos con mayor edad, actividad física e ingreso per cápitaobtuvieron un valor de SCA más alto, mientras que aquellos que reportaron un mayor consumo de alcohol y tabaquismo obtuvieron una puntuaciónmás baja. La alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,47.Conclusión: la SCA mostró una validez y confiabilidad satisfactorias y se asoció con datos socioeconómicos y de estilo de vida. Por lo tanto, esuna herramienta útil para comparar la información dietética, contribuyendo a los futuros análisis en epidemiología nutricional.(AU)

Introduction: nutritional epidemiology seeks to understand the relationship between food consumption and the occurrence of diseases. Duringthe COVID-19 pandemic, the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) used a reduced Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) to comparediet quality between cohort stages.Objective: to develop and validate an index created using a food quality score (FQS) using the FFQ of ELSA-Brasil.Methods: a cross-sectional study carried out between August 2020 and March 2021 with 4262 participants. For each frequency of consumptionof healthy and unhealthy food markers, a score was given. Validity and reliability were tested using Pearson’s correlation, principal componentanalysis (PCA) and Cronbach’s alpha. Tests were performed to verify differences between individual characteristics and FQS.Results: the PCA indicated a total variability of 42.5 %. Women and individuals with higher age, physical activity and per capita income had ahigher FQS, while those who reported higher consumption of alcohol and being smokers had a lower score. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.47.Conclusion: the FQS showed a satisfactory validity and reliability and was associated with socioeconomic and lifestyle data. Therefore, it is auseful tool for comparing dietary information, thus contributing to nutritional epidemiology.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Dieta Saudável , Epidemiologia Nutricional , Dieta , /epidemiologia , Brasil , Ciências da Nutrição , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Longitudinais , Estilo de Vida Saudável
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 212-223, Ene-Feb, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-230901


Introduction: the dietary intake of individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU) may vary widely according to different cultural eating habits, lifestyle,access to multidisciplinary team, and metabolic formulas available. Thus, knowing the dietary intake of this population makes it possible to tailornutritional treatment strategies to impact their health.Objective: to analyze the evidence on the dietary intake of individuals with PKU.Methods: an integrative literature review was conducted on the dietary intake of individuals with PKU in the databases PUBMED, BIREME andScience Direct. Original articles that addressed the energy and macronutrient food intake of children, adolescents and/or adults with PKU wereincluded in the study, without time restriction, in any language. A total of 384 articles were found and 27 articles were selected and analyzed.Results: evidence about the nutritional composition of their diet showed that individuals with PKU consume between 1160-2721 kcal of energy—7.2-17.4 % (32.4-76.9 g) of energy as protein, 45.9-69.2 % of energy as carbohydrates, 16.6-39 % of energy as lipids— and between7.6 and 20 g of fiber.Conclusion: most individuals with PKU have low energy, protein and fiber intake, adequate lipid intake, and high carbohydrate intake. Metaboliccontrol of the disease is still a challenge in all countries. Nutritional strategies to improve dietary nutritional composition and phenylalanine bloodlevels in individuals with PKU remain an urgent issue.(AU)

Introducción: la ingesta dietética de los individuos con fenilcetonuria (PKU) puede variar ampliamente debido a los diferentes hábitos culturalesde alimentación, el estilo de vida, el acceso al equipo multidisciplinar y las fórmulas metabólicas disponibles. Por ello, conocer la ingesta dietéticade esta población permite adaptar las estrategias de tratamiento nutricional para incidir en su salud.Objetivo: analizar la evidencia sobre la ingesta dietética de individuos con PKU.Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica integradora sobre la ingesta dietética de las personas con PKU en las bases de datos PUBMED,BIREME y Science Direct. El estudio incluyó artículos originales que abordaran la ingesta alimentaria de energía y macronutrientes de niños,adolescentes y/o adultos con PKU, sin restricción de tiempo, en cualquier idioma. Se encontraron 384 artículos y se seleccionaron y analizaron 27.Resultados: la evidencia de la composición nutricional de la dieta mostró que los individuos con PKU consumen entre 1160 y 2721 kcal deenergía —7,2-17,4 % (32,4-76,9 g) de la energía en forma de proteínas, 45,9-69,2 % de la energía en carbohidratos, 16,6-39 % de la energíaen lípidos— y entre 7,6 y 20 g de fibra.Conclusiones: la mayoría de los individuos con PKU tienen una ingesta baja de energía, proteínas y fibra, una ingesta adecuada de lípidos y unaingesta alta de hidratos de carbono. El control metabólico de la enfermedad sigue siendo un reto en todos los países. Siguen siendo urgenteslas estrategias nutricionales para mejorar la composición nutricional de la dieta y los niveles de fenilalanina en sangre de los individuos con PKU.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ingestão de Alimentos , Gorduras na Dieta , Carboidratos da Dieta , Proteínas , Fenilalanina , Estado Nutricional
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 44(1): 303-309, Feb. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231299


Introduction: Depression is related with poor musclestrength, and deficiencies of microelements such as Zinc (Zn).Otherwise, Zn is related with muscle strength, but there is noevidence of the relations between muscle strength and Znlevels in depression. Objective: To determine the association between serum Zn levels, handgrip muscle strength, and depression. Methods: An observational, analytical case-control study. 102 depressive patients hospitalized at the San Juan de DiosClinic in Manizales, and 36 controls with no personal historyof mental illness were evaluated for depression severity,serum Zn levels, and handgrip muscle strength. The groupswere matched by sex, age, educational level, and socioeco-nomic stratum. The severity of depression was assessed us-ing the Montgomery–Asberg Rating Scale (MADRS). Serum Znlevels were determined, and handgrip muscle strength wasassessed using dynamometer. Descriptive analysis, logistic reression and linear models were performed with depressionand severity of depression as dependent variables. Results: Lower Zn levels and reduced handgrip musclestrength were related to the presence of depression with thelogistic model. Lower handgrip muscle strength and severityof depression were associated with the linear model. Conclusion: An association was found between depressionand low Zn levels, and an inverse association between severityof depression and handgrip muscle strength. Future studiesshould investigate causality, and to evaluate the relationshipbetween depression, muscle strength and nutritional status.(AU)

Introducción: La depresión se encuentra relacionada con una disminución de la fuerza muscular y deficiencia de microelementos como el Zinc (Zn). De otra parte, el Zn está relacionado con la fuerza muscular, sin embargo, no hay evidencia si existe una asociación entre fuerza muscular y Zn en depresión. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre niveles séricos de Zn, fuerza muscular y depresión. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico de casos y controles. Participaron 102 pacientes hospitalizados en la Clínica San Juan de Dios de Manizales y 36 controles sin historia personal de enfermedad mental. Fueron evaluados la severidad de la depresión, los niveles séricos de Zn y la fuerza de agarre manual. Los grupos fueron pareados por edad, sexo, escolaridad y estrato socioeconómico. La severidad de la depresión se evaluó con la escala de depresión Montgomery-Asberg (MADRS), se determinaron niveles séricos de Zn y la fuerza muscular fue evaluada con por dinamometría. Se realizo un análisis descriptivo, y modelos de regresión logística y regresión lineal con depresión y severidad de la depresión como variables dependientes.Resultados: El modelo de regresión logística encontró una asociación entre los niveles bajos de Zn y la fuerza muscular con la presencia de depresión. El modelo de regresión lineal encontró una relación entre menor fuerza de agarre y severidad de la depresión.Conclusión: Existe una asociación entre depresión y niveles bajos de Zn, y una relación inversamente proporcional entre severidad de la depresión y menor fuerza muscular. Estudios en el futuro deben investigar relaciones de causalidad y evaluar la relación entre depresión, fuerza muscular y estado nutricional.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Força Muscular , Zinco/administração & dosagem , Transtorno Depressivo Maior , Depressão , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Colômbia
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 47-57, Ene-Feb, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230884


Introducción: las conductas alimentarias pueden modular o influir en la calidad de la dieta y el grado de adherencia a la dieta mediterráneade niños y adolescentes.Objetivos: investigar la asociación entre la calidad de la dieta y el comportamiento alimentario en un grupo de escolares españoles.Métodos: se trata de un estudio transversal descriptivo en una muestra de 283 escolares españoles de seis a 16 años. Cada sujeto fue evaluadomediante el cuestionario KIDMED de adherencia a la dieta mediterránea y el cuestionario Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ) paraevaluar el comportamiento alimentario.Resultados: un 12,80 % de la muestra presentó baja adherencia a la dieta mediterránea; un 59,80 %, adherencia mejorable; y un 27,40 %,adherencia alta. Al relacionar las conductas alimentarias con la calidad dietética, los escolares con mayor disfrute por los alimentos y menosexigencia con la comida presentan el doble de adherencia a la dieta mediterránea, por un consumo de casi el doble de vegetales, frutos secoso pescado, así como menor ingesta de procesados de baja calidad (golosinas y dulces). La respuesta a la saciedad y la velocidad de ingestatambién tuvieron un papel importante en las elecciones alimentarias.Conclusiones: las conductas alimentarias pueden tener un importante papel en la calidad de la dieta de los escolares, destacando el disfrute y laaceptación o rechazo por los alimentos. Dada la naturaleza bidireccional de los efectos entre las conductas alimentarias y la calidad de la dieta, elanálisis conjunto puede ser la base de futuras investigaciones con el objetivo de un mejor abordaje nutricional desde las edades más tempranas.(AU)

Introduction: eating behaviors may modulate or influence diet quality and the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet in children andadolescents.Aims: to investigate the association between diet quality and eating behavior in a group of Spanish schoolchildren.Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study of 283 Spain schoolchildren aged six to 16. Each subject was assessed using the KIDMED question-naire for adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ) questionnaire to assess eating behavior.Results: of the sample, 12.80 % had low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, 59.80 % had poor adherence, 59.80 % could be improved, and27.40 % had high adherence. When relating eating behavior to dietary quality, it was found that, generally, schoolchildren with greater enjoymentof food and less demand for food have double the adherence to the Mediterranean diet due to almost twice the consumption of vegetables,nuts, and fish, and a lower intake of low-quality processed foods (sweets). The response to satiety and the speed of ingestion also played animportant role in food choices.Conclusions: eating behaviors may play an essential role in the quality of school children’s diets highlighting the enjoyment and acceptance orrejection of food. Given the bidirectional nature of the effects between eating behaviors and diet quality, the joint analysis may be the basis forfuture research with the aim of a better nutritional approach from the earliest ages.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Dieta , Dieta Mediterrânea , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Comportamento Alimentar , Obesidade Pediátrica , Resposta de Saciedade , Ciências da Nutrição , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Espanha , Saúde do Adolescente , Obesidade
Nutr. hosp ; 41(1): 58-68, Ene-Feb, 2024. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230885


Introducción: la dieta mediterránea se ha asociado a menor prevalencia de obesidad y síndrome metabólico y a estilos de vida saludable enadultos y escolares, siendo escasa la información en edades menores. La región central de Chile tiene un ecosistema de tipo mediterráneo, loque, junto con su gastronomía tradicional, facilitaría la adopción de este estilo de alimentación.Objetivos: determinar la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea en preescolares y sus padres y evaluar el impacto de una intervención educativay su implementación.Métodos: estudio de cohorte prospectiva. Se aplicaron los índices KidMed en niños/as mayores de 18 meses y el índice Chileno de DietaMediterránea (IDM-Chile) en los padres, antes y después de una intervención educativa remota.Resultados: participaron 139 familias, con 95 preescolares, 56 % mujeres, con edad de 26,2 ± 8,7 meses. Inicialmente, el KidMed en los niñosfue de 7,4 ± 1,9 puntos y aumentó hasta 7,9 ± 1,9 puntos postintervención (p = 0,1). El IDM-Chile en los padres fue de 6,9 ± 1,8 y 7,1 ± 1,7puntos, respectivamente (p = 0,09). Al separar por categorías, hubo mejoría desde una adherencia baja o moderada hacia una óptima en losniños y adultos (Chi2, p = 0,009 y p = 0,04). En 58 diadas hubo una correlación positiva entre los índices KidMed e IDM-Chile preintervencióny postintervención (R Pearson: 0,3 y 0,34; p = 0,004 y 0,003, respectivamente).Conclusiones: la mayoría de esta muestra de preescolares y sus padres presentaron una adherencia moderada a dieta mediterránea, con unamejoría posterior a la intervención educativa.(AU)

Background: the Mediterranean diet has been associated with a lower prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome, and with healthierlifestyles in adults and children, but data is scarce in younger ages. The Mediterranean-type ecosystem of the central region of Chile as well asits traditional gastronomy would facilitate the adoption of this dietary pattern.Objectives: to assess the adherence to Mediterranean diet in preschoolers and their parents, and to evaluate the impact of a nutrition educationintervention and diet implementation.Methods: prospective cohort study. The KidMed index was applied to children older than 18 months, and the Mediterranean Dietary Index inChile (Chilean-MDI) to their parents, before and after a remote educational intervention.Results: one hundred and thirty-nine families participated, with 95 preschoolers; 56 % were girls, aged 26.2 ± 8.7 months. The basal meanKidMed score was 7.4 ± 1.9 and increased to 7.9 ± 1.9 after the intervention (p = 0.1). The Chilean-MDI score was 6.9 ± 1.8 and 7.1 ± 1.7,respectively (p = 0.09). When separated by categories, there was improvement from low and moderate adherence to optimal adherence in bothchildren and their parents (Chi2, p = 0.009 y p = 0.04). In 58 dyads, there was a positive correlation between the KidMed and the Chilean-MDIindex, pre- and post-intervention (Pearson R = 0.3 y 0.34; p = 0.004 y 0.003, respectively).Conclusions: most of these sample of preschoolers and their parents had a moderate adherence to Mediterranean diet, with an improvementafter an educational intervention.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Dieta Mediterrânea , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Dieta Saudável , Dieta , Obesidade Pediátrica , Sobrepeso , Saúde do Adolescente , Saúde da Criança , Pediatria , Ciências da Nutrição , Estudos de Coortes , Estudos Prospectivos , Chile , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38331249


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Radioactive iodine therapy (RAIT) is recommended to reduce the risk of recurrence and metastasis in patients with intermediate-high risk differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). In preparation for RAIT, stimulation of thyroid-stimulating hormone and reduction of body iodine pool are important for treatment success. For this purpose, patients are asked to reduce their iodine intake before RAIT, and the body iodine pool can be evaluated by measuring iodine excretion in urine before treatment. The aim of our study is to compare the methods used to measure the body iodine pool in the evaluation of the restricted iodine diet (RID) effectiveness applied in the RAIT preparation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eighty DTC patients discontinued levothyroxine three weeks before RAIT and followed up with a RID two weeks before treatment. After two weeks of RID, all patients collected their 24-h urine the day before the RAIT date. Patients completed 24-h urine samples on the morning of the RAIT date and also provided a spot urine sample. The estimated 24-h creatinine excretion of the patients was calculated. Estimated 24-h urinary iodine excretion (UIE) was calculated using the spot urine iodine/creatinine (I/C) ratio of the patients. 24-h UIE, iodine concentration in spot urine, I/C ratios in spot urine and estimated 24-h UIE of the patients were analyzed by comparing with each other. RESULTS: In 99% of the patients, RID efficiency was sufficient according to 24-h UIE before RAIT. The mean 24-h UIE was 48.81 micrograms/day (mcg/day) in 24-h urine samples taken from the patients to evaluate the body iodine pool. The patients' iodine concentrations in spot urine, I/C ratios in spot urine, and estimated 24-h UIE were all statistically significantly lower than actual 24-h UIE, which was the reference method (p: 0.026 vs <0.001 vs 0.041). Moderate positive correlation between 24-h UIE and iodine concentration in spot urine (r: 0.440), I/C ratio in spot urine (r: 0.493), and estimated 24-h UIE (r: 0.560) found. The strongest correlation was obtained with the estimated 24-h UIE. CONCLUSION: The estimated 24-h UIE obtained by using the I/C ratio in spot urine can be used practically and safely as an alternative to UIE in 24-h urine, which is the gold standard method for evaluating body iodine pool.

Adenocarcinoma , Iodo , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide , Humanos , Iodo/urina , Radioisótopos do Iodo/uso terapêutico , Creatinina/urina , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/radioterapia , Estado Nutricional
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38336153


The Mediterranean diet is the best evidence-based model for cardiovascular prevention. In addition to 2 major randomized secondary prevention trials (Lyon Heart and CORDIOPREV) and 1 primary prevention trial (PREDIMED) that have demonstrated these benefits, there is an unprecedented body of high-quality prospective epidemiological evidence supporting these beneficial effects. The key elements of this traditional pattern are the abundant use of extra-virgin olive oil and high consumption of foods of natural plant-based origin (fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes) and fish, along with a reduction in processed meats, red meats, and ultraprocessed products. Moderate consumption of wine, preferably red wine, with meals is an essential element of this traditional pattern. Although removing wine consumption from the Mediterranean diet has been associated with a reduction in its preventive efficacy, doubts have recently arisen about the possible adverse effect of even low or moderate intake of any alcoholic beverages. A new large Spanish trial, UNATI, which will begin in June 2024, will randomize 10 000 drinkers aged 50 to 75 years to abstention or moderate consumption. UNATI aims to answer these doubts with the best possible evidence.
